
What is my view on religion?

Religion is something that makes me really passionate about.
Religion is something that deals with the unknown dimension of the world.
People belong to all sorts of religions. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism are the main ones, but there are many many other religions around the world, large or small, and even within the main religions I listed above, there are a whole bunch of  different denominations. Ofcourse, in the modern day, we can not overlook the rise of Atheism, claiming the non-existence of any deity, or doubting the role of religion itself for humans.
I find it really interesting, because studying it is kind of grasping what you can not really grasp, but there certainly is a profound human interest to it (even including the fact that Atheists have to actively advocate the meaninglessness of religion), and the human history has been shaped by the role of religion.

I have a lot more to say about this, but I will sum up...
It is what gave me the motivation to come to university, and I'm thankful that there is this kind of study field in the world.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I am not belong to any religion deeply. Therefore I am also interested and glad to study with people who is belong to religion.
